Learn How to Manage HVAC Needs Within Your Rental Home or Unit


Learn How to Manage HVAC Needs Within Your Rental Home or Unit

About Filter Changes

Air filters trap pet hair, dust, and other irritating particles so that your air conditioning system delivers fresh, clean air back into your home. Eventually, the filter traps so much dust and debris that air can’t properly filter or travel to the HVAC unit, leading to:

High energy bills — When an HVAC filter is clogged, your system has to work harder to pull air through to cool or heat the room. This causes it to run for longer periods of time, increasing the energy your home uses.

Health concerns — If a filter isn’t working properly, dust and allergens can circulate throughout your home and cause allergies and respiratory illnesses.

– System failure — An HVAC system has to work hard to pull air through a clogged filter. This continuous strain on the unit can cause it to break, causing you to pay for expensive repairs or replacements.

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

If you smell natural gas, leave the area immediately and call BGE at 1-877-778-7798 or 1-800-685-0123.

For downed power lines, stay away from the area and call BGE at 1-877-778-2222 or 1-800-685-0123.

Representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Filter Change FAQ

How Often Do I Need to Do It?

How often do I need to do it?

You should ideally change your air filter every three months, however, there are certain factors to consider when determining when to change out an old filter.

  • Type of air filter—Some air filters are more effective than others. Lower quality fiberglass filters are more affordable, but they don’t last long and need to be changed every month. Pleated air filters are high-quality filters that are very effective in trapping particles and last up to 90 days.
  • Pets—If you own pets, change your filters every two months to keep your air clean.
  • Allergies—If you suffer from allergies, even the smallest amount of dust or debris in the air can trigger a reaction. To ensure your system is pumping only clean air, change your filters about every 50 days.
  • Children—If you have young children in the home, keep the indoor air quality high by replacing your air filters every two months.

While these factors affect the frequency of air filter replacement, you should visually inspect your filter every month to check for excess particle buildup. If the dirty air filter is completely layered with dust and debris, it’s a good idea to change the filter even if it hasn’t reached the end of its recommended lifespan.

What Happens If I Don't Send a Picture?

The PM will perform the change of the filter and you will receive a charge for that job, if performed the job and you didn’t send the picture you will be charged too for the trouble of going to the property to take the picture

Why Isn't a Vendor Sent to Change the Filter?

In your lease is established that is the tenant’s responsibility to change the filters and also is not difficult or dangerous to do it by yourself.

How Can I Know the Correct Side of My Filter?

It’s in the email that we sent you, you can see it in your old filter, and also you can ask us, and we will let you know.

Where Do I Need to Send the Picture?
  1. To our email: info@bmoremanagement.com
  2. Through text message: (410) 888 – 3151
What Should I Include Besides the Picture?
  1. Address and unit.
  2. Location of the filter (when you have more than one filter to change in your residence)
How Can I Change My Filter?
  1. Purchase the right size filter—To find the size of your filter, check the old filter, which should have the size printed on one of its sides. If you can’t locate the size of the old filter, use a measuring tape to check its length, width, and depth.
  2. Turn off your unit—Flip the switch on your thermostat to turn off the unit, or turn your system completely off at the circuit breaker.
  3. Locate the filter—Your air filter is located in one of two places: a return duct or the air handler located in an attic, basement, or utility closet.
  4. Remove the grille or cover to the air filter—If your air filter is located in the system’s air handler, open the access panel. This may require a screwdriver to remove the small screws securing it. If your filter is in the return duct, flip the latches that hold the grille and remove it.
  5. Remove the old filter and insert the new one—Take the old filter from its place, carefully inspecting how it was situated inside the cover or grille. Take the new filter and place it inside, making sure the airflow arrows are pointed into the unit.
  6. Replace the cover and turn your system on—After replacing the filter, turn your system back on to ensure the filter is situated correctly and the air conditioner is running smoothly.

What a Proper Filter Replacement Photo Looks Like

  1. Has both filters, the old one and the new one.
  2. You can see clearly the date when you are installing the new one.
  3. Another good thing could be to be able to see the date in the old one.


Filter Replacement Video Resources

How to Change My Air Filter

How To Change Your HVAC Filter

Air Con Filter Replacement

How to Change Indoor Air Filter

Additional HVAC Resources

How to Troubleshoot a Thermostat

Thermostat Tips

Furnace Troubleshooting

How to Clean AC Condensor Coil

How to Unclog Your AC Drain

How to Fix Leaking AirCon Unit

How to Reboot Your Furnace

Shut Off Supply to Water Heater

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Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

If you smell natural gas, leave the area immediately and call BGE at 1-877-778-7798 or 1-800-685-0123.

For downed power lines, stay away from the area and call BGE at 1-877-778-2222 or 1-800-685-0123.

Representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

If you smell natural gas, leave the area immediately and call BGE at 1-877-778-7798 or 1-800-685-0123.

For downed power lines, stay away from the area and call BGE at 1-877-778-2222 or 1-800-685-0123.

Representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

If you smell natural gas, leave the area immediately and call BGE at 1-877-778-7798 or 1-800-685-0123.

For downed power lines, stay away from the area and call BGE at 1-877-778-2222 or 1-800-685-0123.

Representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.